The CORE Project
The Computer OutReach and Education (CORE) Project
Digital Bridges Forsyth (DBF) will train 1,250 Winston-Salem residents in digital literacy, computer education, Internet training, cyber security, and job security skills training. When training is complete, every attendee in the program will receive an Internet-enabled device to further their education and employment goals.
Selected residents are all from disadvantaged and minority neighbors in targeted American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) /Qualified Census Tracts (QCTs).
Additionally, the Project Team will buildout two labs in the Martin L. King Jr. Community Center (MLK Center): a technology Learning Lab for pre-teens and teens to provide them a safe space to learn and grow skills; and a computer lab for all adult residents to assist with job and employment skills.
Drive economic development in the City of Winston-Salem
Decrease the unemployment rate across disadvantaged Census tracts
Enable remote work, remove barriers to entrepreneurship, and increase access to financial services regardless of physical location
Promote youth education and reduce youth violence
Objectives & Outcomes:
1,250 Winston-Salem residents will be trained in digital equity, inclusion, cyber security, and job seeker services.
1,250 Winston-Salem residents will receive an Internet-enabled device to keep.
A Computer-art-and-music lab (CAM Lab) will be built at the MLK Recreation Center for teens and young adults to learn and build their technology and artistic abilities.
Deploy 18 Whiteboards will be provided to every Recreation Center in the City of Winston-Salem, so the training offered at one Recreation Center can be performed simultaneously at any other City Recreation Center.
The Community Technology Center at the MLK Recreation Center will receive an upgrade to allow residents access to more services and technology training to advance their careers
Specialty Computer Lab for specialty training for youth and adults.
Resource Guide at the MLK Recreation Center will receive an upgrade to allow residents access to more services and technology training to advance their careers