Coronavirus State and Local Recovery Fund

WinstonNet, in partnership with the Digital Bridges Forsyth formally Forsyth County Digital Equity Planning and Steering Committees, multiple on-the-ground partners, and a national women-owned consulting firm, has been awarded a $2 million CSLFRF (Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund) grant from the City of Winston-Salem. Through this grant,

More details about the project will be forthcoming, as the grant kicks off.

Click Here to access the proposal that was submitted to the City of Winston-Salem.

1,250 Winston-Salem residents will be trained in digital equity, inclusion, cyber security, and job seeker services;

1,250 Winston-Salem residents will receive an Internet-enabled device to keep.

A computer-art-and-music lab will be built at the MLK Recreation Center for teens and young adults to learn and build their technology and artistic abilities;

Whiteboards will be provided to every Recreation Center in the City of Winston-Salem, so the training offered at one Recreation Center can be performed simultaneously at any other City Recreation Center.

The Community Technology Center at the MLK Recreation Center will receive an upgrade to allow residents access to more services and technology training to advance their careers

A computer-art-and-music lab will be built at the MLK Recreation Center for teens and young adults to learn and build their technology and artistic abilities;